Friday 31 October 2008

Battle of Epic Proportions 1: Harry Potter vs. Twilight

   All righty, then. I don't think these two films need introductions, do they? Either you've been living in a town called Pleasantville for the last eight or so years, or you just shun the civilised world. Besides, I'm too lazy to give synopses. Just don't mix up Lupin to be in Twilight, Bella to be a witch, or *God forbid!* Edward to be part of an Anne Rice novel -- 'coz even if I concede that he is a sweetie, Lestat's hotness will still beat the shite outta him. Lol.
   It was common knowledge that the sixth installment of Harry Potter was supposed to be released November this year. So when they suddenly announced that the screening will be moved to Summer 2009, my head automatically formulated conspiracy theories. Could it be that the mighty, lightning-scarred boy wizard's afraid of a lil' competition from the pale-skinned, day-resistant vampire and his lady love? Hmm.
   I grew up with the Harry Potter series. The book, the film -- they were once my obsession. But I guess I grew up 'coz at some point, my obsession regressed into mere fascination with how the film will live up to the book...which I think will always end up as disappointing.
   I am deathly interested with vampires as well, hence my addiction to Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Somehow though, I haven't read the Twilight books yet. Yes, you read it right. So I think you'll be saying that it would be hypocritical of me to say something about the books or the film without being familiar with it. Well I am familiar with the story of the book. How Edward fell in love with a mortal girl, how Bella wasn't afraid to return his feelings even if he is undead. Typical star-crossed lovers with fate against them. Doomed love. Romeo and Juliet for the new, younger generation who are oblivious to who William Shakespeare is (they think a prose is a kind of flower related to rose. Lmao. Seriously.) I also know that they will have a daughter named Renesmee Carlie Cullen that will be imprinted by the shape-shifter Jacob Black, Bella's friend who was once in love with her. Really - I haven't read the books or watched the film yet.
   I think I'm digressing from the most important question of them all. Which of the two hugely popular and commercially successful franchises will ultimately win the hearts of many? Personally,  I am attached to the HP series. I am utterly not biased, however. Although I can definitely say Meyers' series can give Rowling's a run for her money, its not quite up there yet. What do you think?
   Muchos love and peace.